Living Haus SUNSHINE 154 Chemnitz
The Living Haus SUNSHINE Chemnitz is a prefabricated house, which – for the first time – features the I-KON technology developed by Living Haus in ist building concept. The centre is the production and storage of one’s own, environmentally-friendly sun power and ist integration into the energy management of the house. This means financial planning safety for incidental costs, but also contributes to SUNSHINE Chemnitz winning the Gold certification of the „Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen“ (DGNB). In its design, the house focuses on family-orientation and budget-optimization, which also contains trendy architectural and building elements. The clear layout with living and functional areas underlines design, functionality and ease of use alike.
+ prefabricated house with DGNB Gold certificawtion
+ integrated I-KON technology
+ clear layout with living and functional areas